Liuwei Nourishing Soup 《六味滋补汤 》(140g) (4-5 persons serving)

Regular price $6.50

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To invigorate the spleen and Qi, clear the heart and calm the mind, nourish Yin and nourish the lungs.

功效: 补脾益气,清心安神,滋阴润肺。

Suitable for all ages, tonic but not heaty. Especially the physique that is weak and heaty. For kidney deficiency and frequently urine.

How to serve :

Wash all ingredients before use. Cook all ingredients with 1.5 liter of water. After boil, slow cook for 1-2 hours.

This soup can also be cooked as delicious dessert without meat and can be added with snow fungus to nourish the lungs and beauty effects.

** Store in a cool and dry place or keep refrigerated for freshness.